- Efficiency Improvement
- Cost Restructuring
- Financial Management
- Operational Mode
- Business Development Strategy
Saski Advisory company supports actions contributing to efficient time use. We facilitate management activity with respect to:
- improvement of the management process with the adaptation and use of expertise, and ensuring the necessary data;
- taking some of the burden and work-load off a manager;
- introducing new elements into management work methods and work-style; participation in the definition and elaboration of corporate objectives;
- eliminating activities which do not have to be done because they alternatively are not important or they cannot be realized in the currently or they can be done by the subordinates or they are not efficient anymore;
- improvement of the capability to develop a team;
- understanding past events and to foresee future developments;
- the capability to solve corporate issues;
- the capability to use technical, economic, legal, and psycho-social phenomena in the course of argumentation, and to understand the relationship among the above phenomena;
- the capability to select the important issues which deserve maximum effort;
- the conditions for efficient work, and the capability to apply positive experiences;
- the capability to make decisions quickly;
- the capability to understand corporate problems, and to put them into a wider perspective;
- improvement of internal and external communication;;
- learning the analytical methods of discussing the issues, and organizing the problems in a systematic way;
- the capability to learn modern management methods and means;
- forming harmony between the environment and the internal and external objectives of the company.
Typical reactions to a cost crisis are:
- immediate decreasing operational costs;
- fixed cost lowering to achieve improvements in break-even analysis;
- significantly reducing the amount spent on investment projects.
Such responses allow companies to generate positive short term results. It goes without saying that survival of the company is a crucial objective. Yet this is only a narrowly defined cost restructuring project. The point is to improve operations and to create growth opportunities by profoundly restructuring of the business. Experts of company enable growth by contributing to cost restructuring. Results of our work are both quick wins and mid- to long-term strategic and structural changes.
Implementation of cost efficiency instruments allows for independent assessment of financial and operational position. It will provide an independent baseline from which all subsequent actions can be driven. Next step is to implement effective action plans. As the result significant cash savings can be achieved and new expertise within the organization is created.
The process of improvement in cost efficiency consists of:
- determination of significant cost drivers;
- independent assessment of organization-wide cost structure;
- presenting reliable cost assessment that can be communicated to all stakeholders;
- understanding and challenging existing savings plans;
- improving savings plans,
Action aimed at decisive reduction of costs are:
- immediate cost reductions;
- ensuring cost efficiency actions will continue after conclusion of the cost efficiency program;
- determining the long term expectations regarding cost savings.
Assuring consistency and persistence in improvements of cost management:
- preparing long term expense management system;
- ensuring consistency cost assessment and control in the whole organization;
- improvement in cost supervision and management;
- implementation of systematic cost monitoring and accounting with focus on cost variation analysis.
Conditions of financing significantly impact efficiency of operations. If an institution were able to consistently obtain efficient funding it would be possible to grow business proficiently. Well-organized internal processes of an organization enable obtaining low cost and easy to be repaid finance. Our experts prepare comprehensive programs of improvement of financing conditions.
The job consists of:
- establishing financing capabilities to draw debt without adverse impact on predictability and efficiency of operations;
- ensuring decreasing of overall cost of financing;
- assessing profitability of possible refinancing of current debt contracts;
- evaluating possibilities of diversifying financing institutions;
- verify prospects of improvements in financial indemnities;
- decreasing the amount needed for working capital.
As the result of Saski Advisory company involvement institution obtains:
- increase of relative value of liquid assets as compared with short term debt;
- decrease of future debt to equity ratio;
- increase of the amount of long term debt as compared to short term liabilities;
- decrease of the value of total debt as compared with financial surplus.
Costumers of Saski Advisory company may have sustainable competitive advantage as the result of improvement of financing conditions. Beneficial effects of our job are:
- better control over finance activity;
- advanced risk management of financial activity;
- increased transparency of financial reporting;
- effective decrease of refinancing risk;
- beneficial adjustment of debt repayment schedule to revenue cycle;
- increased ability to finance growth as the result of increased efficiency of indemnities;
- effective interest rate risk management;
- increase in efficiency of liquidity management;
- access to capital markets.
The way any organization operates constitutes foundation of relations with costumers and stakeholders. Crucial thing is to guarantee that operation supports achieving strategic objectives. The following questions need to be addressed accurately:
- What is the optimal perception of the company?
- To what extend is the involvement of external service providers justifiable?
- What competencies need to be acquired outside?
- Is this necessary to introduce a new remuneration system?
- What is the vision of future development?
Saski Advisory company is willing and able to prepare and support implementation of adjustments of the way organizations operate.
We understand business strategy as description of activity in respect of realization of the most important objectives of the organization. It makes sense to develop strategic plans in:
- a whole of a company / a group of companies;
- a business unit;
- a specific part of the company.
It is necessary to develop strategic thinking in three respects:
- assessment;
- planing;
- managing.
Saski Advisory company team has all necessary competence to prepare a strategic plan that can be successfully executed. Key elements of the process of strategic planning are:
- periodical assessment of a company mission statement and a strategy vison content in a way that creates reliable reference to real business processes;
- setting up strategic, financial and organizational objectives;
- plans of attainment of strategic objectives;
- resource allocation for strategic objectives in line with business priorities;
- implementation of mission and strategy vision as the result of communication of strategy content;
- monitoring of results and implementation of adjustment necessary to achieve strategic objectives.
Involvement of our experts in a strategic plan preparation can enable taking advantage of the results in the process of corroboration of the strategy. As the result costumers served by Saski Advisory company obtain long lasting benefits stemming from the one off event of strategy development.
Method used in preparation of strategy are:
- reviews and audits aiming at recognition of factors influencing a mission statement, a strategy content, impact factors, forecasts of the shape of an external environment and business objectives;
- stakeholder attitude analysis aiming at defining mutual relations;
- assessment of external threads and opportunities resulting in evaluation of pf future conditions leading to establishing development priorities;
- identification of basic and decisive competitive advantages carried out as a part of a thread and opportunity analysis or as a separate task;
- dynamic analysis of changes in external environment including: relevant sectors of economy, evolution of markets and costumer attitudes, expected competitive reaction, regulators’ priorities, demography impact, rate of growth of economy, technological trends;
- financial and operational audits aiming at identifying growth opportunities and at achieving sustainable competitive advantage.
Using competence of our experts may result in, apart from receiving well written business strategy, becoming able to effectively manage business development of the organization.